Shibobo is on this weekend!

Shibobo weekend tournament will take place this weekend.
Contact Boasa Robert for more details.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Shibobo or Chiboko?

If my memory serves me right shibobo used to be the most anticipated event of the year at MAP. Teams such as Azzuri and Legends used to showcase real talent and a thirst to play. All stars came and tried to mimic the outfits but they soon died out. So what really happened? Do you know? Am not sure but what I can tell you is that the current teams play no different to some of the Sunday teams in the loxion (streets)! These kids play like a bunch of chibuku drinkers rather than the real shibobo diski that we know! No offence, but I personally feel that such teams should not feature in the tournament. Where is the youth? Are we now becoming a coconut school with nothing that makes us unique? Basketball is long gone, shibobo should be our last hope not chiboko!

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